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Claudia Abel has been an excellent support for me during my recent transition from my full-time role as CEO and Chief Regulatory, Safety & Quality Officer of Bellerphon Therapeutics in the biotech industry to establishing my own Regulatory Affairs Consulting firm, Grace Pharma Therapeutics. Since through our executive sparring sessions, she helped me gain a crystal-clear focus on prioritizing my diverse client assignments. She also guided me in preparing negotiation strategies that have strengthened my business partnerships. And beyond this, Claudia enabled me to integrate and maintain my healthy habits, like balanced nutrition and exercise, into my demanding schedule, something I had struggled with previously.
What I most appreciate about working with Claudia Abel is her sharp, analytical perspective and her extensive cross-functional experience within the pharma industry. She genuinely understands the complex pressures that executive leaders like me are facing, having navigated them herself. So this firsthand insight allowed her to offer advice that was not only strategic but deeply relevant. Therefore, for any executive looking to refine their leadership and collaboration approach or increase their business effectiveness, I highly recommend DR. ABEL ADVISORY and Claudia Abel´s sparring or coaching services. Working with her has been both deeply impactful and truly enjoyable.
Peter Fernandes, Founder of Grace Pharma Therapeutics LLC, New Jersey, USA (Former CEO and Chief Regulatory, Safety & Quality Officer of Bellerphon Therapeutics, New Jersey, USA)

Claudia Abel hat mich über längere Zeit durch regelmäßige Executive Sparring-Gespräche begleitet und mir dabei sehr validen Input zu konkreten Führungs- und Management-Themen gegeben. Ich schätze vor allem das umfangreiche externe Knowhow, das sie einbringt und ihren objektiven und kritisch-konstruktiven Blick, mit dem sie im Gespräch gekonnt die Position anderer Stakeholder einnehmen und mir so mein Verhalten spiegeln kann. Dieser Perspektivenwechsel ist sehr erfrischend und triggert interessante, neue Denkanstöße, die ich jedem Executive wärmstens empfehlen kann. Mein Resumee zur Zusammenarbeit mit Claudia: Inhaltlich extrem lohnend und darüberhinaus persönlich sehr angenehm.

Prof. Dr. Cornel Sieber, Chief Medical Officer, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Schweiz